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Andrew Tate sentence: Did the influencer get 17 years in prison? – Facebook fact check reveals truth


Andrew Tate, a controversial influencer who was arrested in December on suspicion of rape, human trafficking, and organising a gang, was given a 30-day prison term the next day.

The former professional kickboxer, his brother Tristan Tate, and two other suspects were were taken into custody following a search of their opulent residence in Bucharest, Romania.

Since then, he has been posting frequent tweets from prison while adamantly claiming that agents of the matrix are targeting him and that he is the victim of a huge conspiracy. Tate’s most recent email to supporters, which was sent in public for the first time since his arrest, detailed the appalling state of his cell:

They’re attempting to destroy me. being thrown into a dark cell. My sole companions at night are bed bugs, bed lice, and cockroaches. I am completely respectful while being transported to and from the courtroom by the guards. They want to instil enmity in my heart.

Although there has been discussion of wiretap leaks, there has been no confirmation of any evidence proving Tate’s guilt. If Tate is found guilty based on the apparently authentic evidence that has been provided, he might spend 15 to 20 years behind bars.

Online rumours state that Andrew Tate has received a seventeen-year prison sentence, however other reports assert that the influencer has only received a fifteen-year prison term. Facebook’s fact check refutes the rumours, though. Facebook flagged the item as part of its efforts to counteract fake news and disinformation on its news feed.

Both Andrew Tate’s admirers and adversaries are keenly anticipating new information and have a deep interest in the plot’s structure.

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate hails the implications of digital technology and internet

One of the most polarising individuals in the modern era is Andrew Tate. Tate’s ongoing viral success can be partly attributable to his contentious remarks, such as comparing women to property and appealing to the expanding male audience of the masculinist subculture of a young, successful, and fiercely independent guy.

His devotees call him “Top G,” and he advocates defying social conventions and living one’s best life while pursuing one’s passion. He urges people to make their own decisions and advocates independence from society.

Since his arrest in December, Andrew Tate has been actively using Twitter to connect with his supporters. The outspoken influencer recently explained how our use of technology has merged with who we are:

“Your electronic equipment is an essential component of who you are. My thoughts are louder than ever because I haven’t used an electronic device in almost 30 days. The same way a person who has just gone blind gains a keen sense of hearing, touch, and smell.”

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